(CH Shelwyn Heavenly Consent x CH Winfield Top Contender)
April 11, 1990 - September 18, 2001
KC, aka “The Big Guy” and “Mr. Jones", was another one of those once-in-a-lifetime dogs. The other half of our “dynamic duo”, he was our first to enter the show ring, and not only hooked us on showing Gordons… but spoiled us completely. Rarely did he lose, and as a young pup just starting out he took some awesome major-reserves. A championship finished by the age of 16 months included a major win from the puppy class and a 5-point major on a Specialty weekend against some pretty tough competition. Always owner-handled, he began his Specials career at only 18 months and achieved top-10 status for Gordon Setters in 1992. We were so proud of his achievements! After his retirement from the ring he was content to chase bird shadows, kitties and Eli. He would spend a lifetime showing us what being a Gordon boy was all about. There will never be another pair of eyes able to look so deeply into our souls or a dog so content to just have a hand on his head. He is greatly missed, but will never be forgotten.
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