
Gordon Setters (Reg'd)

GCH Moonsetter Just One Look

(GCHB Birch Run Full Moon Fever CD JH RN x CH Moonsetter Certifiably Sureshot DOM)

July 1, 2010 - February 9, 2023

Conall, aka "Conall Bear", "CB" and (affectionately) "Buttface" is our pick puppy from the Moonsetter "J" Litter.  From the first few days, it was obvious this boy was going to be something special, and as the weeks passed from birth to 7 weeks, it became clear this handsome fellow would be our keeper.  Conall is primarily owned and loved by Olivia. 


At his very first show, the North Country Gordon Setter Club Specialty, Conall went Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes. On Sunday the same weekend, he went Winners Dog/Best of Winners from the 6-9 month puppy class for a 4 point major! (Land O'Lakes KC)  Certainly a great way to start a much-anticipated show career!

Expertly piloted to two additional majors and 11 more points by Olivia, she finished Conall's championship in May 2012 at only 22 months of age!  His specials career began in the summer of 2014 and he quickly earned 5 majors towards his now grand championship.  

Conall is the sire of our N, O, S, T (co-bred with Keystone Gordons) and W Litters - all of which produced exceptional puppies.  He is OFA Excellent (hips), Elbows Normal, CAER (eyes) Normal, and RCD4 Clear by parentage. 

Conall's Pedigree

BISS GCHB Birch Run Full Moon Fever JH CD RN
BISS CH Bit O'Gold Dairyland Classic   
CH Kilernan JP&S Iron Brigade
BISS CH Bit O'Gold Nutcracker Sweet
CH Birch Run Crystal Clear JH
CH Timbaray's Dangerous Liaison CD JH
CH Timbaray's Mirror Image
CH Moonsetter Certifiably Sures
hot DOM
Sureshot Majestic Consort
Can BIS CH Rokeena Swagman
Can CH Sureshot Painted Lady
CH Moons
etter Always in Style JH
Accolade O'Bannfshire
CH Timberlane Going in S
tyle JH